Friday, June 29, 2012


December 2011 - Washington, D.C.
After 7 years in Maryland,
3 years at my job,
and 2 years working in D.C., just blocks from here, 
tonight was my (difficult) farewell.

Off to New York I go!

June 2012 - Washington, D.C.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

NEJM: Two Hundred Years of Surgery

I must say I published too hastily today. If you are going to read anything I linked to, here's Atul Gawande's Two Hundred Years of Surgery for the New England Journal of Medicine.
If you know Gawande's work, you know it is 100% worth the read.


July 2006 - Si-o-se Pol (Bridge of 33 Arches), Isfahan, Iran

Recently pondering why women still can't have it all and whether to get pregnant at 25.
Wondering if paintballing with Hezbollah was really a sane idea to begin with.
Wishing I was as boldly creative as young photographer Alex Stoddard. Enlightened by simple beauty captured by Moments Like This.
Wanting to watch (but haven't yet) the first episode of the Newsroom and the NYTimes Iranian road trip.
Bemused and somewhat concerned by the angry battle in the comments for the war on handwashing vs. dishwasher.
Bracing for my urbanschleppings to come amid fellow readers on the underground public library.